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MJD系列NTC热敏电阻是将热敏电阻芯片封在玻璃管中的二极管式热敏电阻,具有高精度和高稳定性。 特点: 1、玻璃封装、耐热、稳定性、性高。 2、体积小、重量轻、经济适用。 应用范围: 1、温度传感器。 2、电饭煲、电烤箱、刨冰机、洗碗机等。 3、手机电池、充电器等。 1、总论(Scope) 本说明包括产品外形尺寸、性能及出厂检验标准,产品型号、规格。 This specification deals with shape, dimensions, characteristics, inspection standard etc. 2、说明(Specifications) 2.1元件: 热敏电阻,型号:MJD-5.5K-3530-1 Element: Thermistor, type: MJD-5.5K-3530-1 2.2外形尺寸(单位:mm) Shape and dimensions 2.3性能 Characteristics (1)电性能Electrical characteristics (a)电阻值(Resistance value): R(25°C)=50KΩ±1% (b) B值(B value): B=3950 (由25°C、50°C电阻值计算得出) (calculated from resistance value at 25°C and 50°C) (c)绝缘电阻Insulation resistance 100MΩ or over by DC500V megger (between glass and lead wire) (2) 热时间常数Thermal time constant (τ): τ≤20s (静止空气中 in still air) (3) 热耗散系数Thermal dissipation constant (δ): δ≥2.0Mw/°C (静 止空气中in still air) (4) 使用温度范围Operating temperature range:-50~ 260°C 3、性(Reliability) 3.1高温存放 high Temp. storage:250°C环境中放置1000小时阻值变化不大于±2%。High Temp. storage:Stored under 250°C for 1000 hours, the change rate of the R value is within ±2%. 3.2低温存放 Low Temp. storage:-40°C环境中放置1000小时阻值变化不大于±2%。Low Temp. storage:Stored under -40°C for 1000 hours, the change rate of the R value is within ±2%。 3.3耐湿热 High temperature and humidity:60°C 95%RH存放1000小时后阻值变化不大于±2%。High temperature and humidity:Stored in 60°C 95%RH for 1000 hours, the change rate of the R value is within ±2%. 3.4耐温度冲击 Thermal shock:热敏电阻经历如下温度循环100次后,阻值变化不大于±2%。Thermal shock: keep the thermistor in following temperature cycling test for 100 times, the change rate of the R value is within ±2%. -40°C10分钟----常温5分钟----200°C10分钟----常温5分钟 -40°C10mins----25°C 5mins----200°C10mins----25°C 5mins 3.5振动Vibration:元件经受加速度10g,振幅1.5mm频率从10Hz到500Hz X、Y方向各15分钟后应无损伤,阻值变化不大于±2%。Vibration: with 10g acceleration, 1.5mm amplitude, the frequency changed from 10Hz to 500z both in X, Y direction for 15 mins, the thermistor is without damage and the change rate of the R value is within ±2%. 3.6引线强度 Pulling :引线沿轴向施加9.8N拉力并持续60秒后,外观无损伤,阻值变化不大于±2%。Pulling : pull the leads with 9.8N for 60 seconds, no damage to the appearance and the change rate of the R value is within ±2%. 3.7 跌落 Fall down :从1米高度自由落下10次在规定的木板上外观无损伤,阻值变化不大于±1%。Falling down :Free falling down from 1m height to specific board for 10 times, no damage to the appearance, and the change rate of the R value is within ±2%.